The Learning Activities Management on al-Fiqh Subject for Teachers’ Mosque-based Islamic Educational Centers, Yu’po Sub-district, Muang District, Yala Province


  • muhammadsuhaimi haengyama
  • Abdul Ramae Sulong
  • Jameelah Tokmae


Al-Fiqh subject, Teaching and learning, TADIKA


Objective The objectives of this research were to 1) study learning activities on al-fiqh subject of teachers mosque-based Islamic educational centers, Yu’po subdistrict, Muang district, Yala province and 2) study the states and problems learning activities management on al-fiqh subject of teachers’ mosque-based Islamic educational centers.

Methodology The researcher collected the research data with the 35 targets consisting of teachers stakeholders and parent. An assessment form for the learning activities management on al-fiqh subject of teachers and the questionnaire were used.

Research Findings The results of the learning activities management on al-fiqh subject of the mosque-based Islamic educational centers, Yu’po sub-district showed that the level of teaching and learning in al-fiqh subject as a whole is high with an average score of 4.18 and standard deviation of 0.82. while the states and problems learning activities management on al-fiqh subject of teachers’ mosque-based Islamic educational centers revealed some mosque-based Islamic educational centers have no educational curriculum, teachers still lack of knowledge and understanding of the curriculum, teaching design, teaching techniques and skills to create teaching materials that are consistent with the nature of the course.

Applications Understanding the problem of teachers’ learning activities management of the mosque-based Islamic educational centers, Yu’po sub-district, to develop skill in learning activities management of teachers’ mosque-based Islamic educational centers, Yu’po sub-district, muang district, Yala province, on al-fiqh subject.

Keyword: Al-Fiqh subject, Teaching and learning, TADIKA


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How to Cite

haengyama, muhammadsuhaimi, Sulong, A.R. and Tokmae, J. 2021. The Learning Activities Management on al-Fiqh Subject for Teachers’ Mosque-based Islamic Educational Centers, Yu’po Sub-district, Muang District, Yala Province. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University. 12, 2 (Dec. 2021), 73–84.



Research Articles