Towards Self-realisation In Islamic Perspective: An Examination Of The Essentiality Of The Heart


  • Dr. Usman Jimoh Muhammad


The Heart, Human feelings/action, Self-Realisation, Islam


Objective The main objective of this paper is to buttress the essentiality of the heart towards self- realisation from the perspective Islam. This is germane in a bid to enable man realize his mission so as to work towards salvation on the day of resurrection. The paper identifies the heart as important organ of the body which was originally endowed with a state of purity. It further emphasizes that this sound state enables it to recognize God and differentiate between truthfulness and falsehood. The paper affirms that this accounts for the reason why it serves as the custodian of the trust (Al-Amanah) given to man for exhibition on earth. It is in view of the above that the paper purposely stresses that everything concerning man is geared towards the state of the heart. The intent of the paper lies in the fact that, to enable man attain this originality, (the state of purification of the heart), man must be resolute to always engage in self assessment from time to time.

Methodology The paper adopts a critical analysis of the available literary work of Islam such as some verses of the Glorious Qur’an, relevant prophetic traditions and related write up of Islamic scholars. The make exposition of the evidences in relation to the topic and presented the discussion in logical and sequential order. This enables a flow of the ideas discussed, appreciation of the fact appraised and realisation of the objective of the paper.

Research Findings Based on scriptural evidences, the paper attests to the fact that the judgment of human feelings and actions, attainment of knowledge or inspirations, description of the state of a man (sound or sick) and reward on the day of resurrection all depends on the state of the heart. It further unveils that only self re-examination could assist man in retracing his footprint in a bid to realize his originality. When this is given due cognizance, it would accord man the chance of attaining success and perfection in this world and salvation in the day of resurrection.

Applications To enable man attain his originality, (the state of purification of the heart), man must always put at the back of his mind the fact that the whole test of life is geared towards the heart. Man must therefore be resolute to always engage in self assessment from time to time. Man must be ready to reprimand himself whenever he falls below real expectation so that he could experience the peace of mind known by a purified heart.

Keywords: The Heart, Human feelings/action, Self-Realisation, Islam


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How to Cite

Muhammad, D. U. J. . (2021). Towards Self-realisation In Islamic Perspective: An Examination Of The Essentiality Of The Heart. วารสารอิสลามศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์, 12(2), 121–132. สืบค้น จาก