One of the best way for Peaceful coexistence: Islamic Etiquette


  • Mohamed Lamine Sylla Faculty of Islamic Studies and laws, Fatoni University
  • Asem Ach-chareef Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus
  • Fateemoh Chapakiya Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus


Peaceful co-existence, Islamic etiquette, Quran, Sunnah


Objective The research aims to clarify the beautiful of Islamic religion, its advantage, and tolerance in relationship between one nation, Islamic religion deals with all the human being Muslim and non-Muslim the same equally, the purpose of Islamic religion is security, understanding and safely between the people.

Methodology The research depends on the inductive approach, which is to follow the legal texts through the Quran and the Sunnah. And to analyse those texts in the light the Quran and Sunnah of Prophet.

Research Finding Among the results our Prophet Muhammad peace upon him, lived in Madinah with Jews, he died and his clothe was pledged to a Jew, Islamic etiquette might change an enemy to be beloved, Allah wants from human being to live in peace and understanding, and Islamic religion is flexible. 

Applications The current research contributes to clarifying the relationship between Islam and good behaviour, because there are many people they are praying but they don’t follow Islamic laws in dealing with others, Islam is not only worshiping but also need good behaviour.         

 Keywords: Peaceful co-existence, Islamic etiquette, Quran, Sunnah.


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How to Cite

Sylla, M.L., Ach-chareef , A. and Chapakiya, F. 2021. One of the best way for Peaceful coexistence: Islamic Etiquette. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University. 12, 2 (Dec. 2021), 133–144.



Research Articles