Ummah Wasat – The Middle Nation: The concept of human civilization emplacement in Islam


  • Thaweesak Uppama Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus
  • Abdulroning Suetair


Civilization, Islamic nation, Middle Nation, Muslim World, Qiblah


Objective This research paper aims to study the concept of civilization in Islamic teachings through the study of the Quran's verses on building a ‘Middle Nation’ to open up new areas of human civilization.

Methodology This study is a documentary research with methods for studying the various Quranic exegesis, both the main works and the specific writings on the subject. It wants to sum up the "Middle" concept that lays out the emergence of Islamic civilization.

Research findings The study found that the concept of "Middle" of the Islamic nation has emerged as a new development in the history of human civilization. It has created a glorious and just nation in history and has brought about a wide civilization exchange.

Applications This research has helped to create the Middle Nation theory to explain the development of civilization through the role of the Islamic nation. It also gave a clearer understanding of the interactions between civilizations.

Keywords: Civilization, Islamic nation, Middle Nation, Muslim World, Qiblah


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How to Cite

Uppama, T. and Suetair, A. 2021. Ummah Wasat – The Middle Nation: The concept of human civilization emplacement in Islam. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University. 12, 2 (Dec. 2021), 16–28.



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