Construction of a Basic Perspective on Critical Thinking in Islam


  • Mohammad Manzoor Malik Department of Philosophy and Religion, Faculty of Human Sciences, Assumption University of Thailand


Critical Thinking, Islam, Revelation, Knowledge


Objective This research aims at the constructing a basic perspective on critical thinking in line with Islamic principles with a brief explanation of such principles.

Methodology This study uses exegetical methods, by studying the relevant parts of the religious texts and systemizing the information in a critical way.

Research findings The research demonstrates that the principles for constructing an Islamic critical thinking perspective are found in the primary sources of Islam. The knowledge (العلم; al-'ilm) makes the core of Islamic critical thinking, and means of such knowledge are the revelation (الوحي; al-wahy), the use of senses (الحواس; al-hawas), intellect (reason and heart, العقل و القلب; al-aql wa al-qalb), historical experience or testimony (السياحة اوالشهادة; al-siyahah aw al-shidah), and meditating on the natural and physical world (الكون; al-kaun). There are other means such as prophetic dreams (الرؤيا الصادقة; al-ruya al-sadiqah), insight (الفراسة; al-firasah), illumination (المكاشفة; al-mukashafah), and inspiration ( الالهام;al-ilham), though they are dismissed to account for any scholarly opinion or position and thus they remain non-binding according to Shariah. However, they can be a gift of a genius mind that is extraordinarily critical, helping such minds in understanding and creativity. Critical thinking includes using many human faculties and the Quran frequently emphasizes contemplation التفكر; al-tafakur), reflection (التدبر; at-tadabbur), understanding التفقه; at-tafaqquh), and reasoning (التعقل; at-taakul); and these concepts are the foundations of critical thinking which could be developed and elaborated in many ways.

Applications The need of having an Islamic construction of critical thinking is because of the special worldview of Islam and its conception of knowledge which treats revelation (الوحي; al-wahy) as the primary source of belief and knowledge. The findings of the study can be useful in fashioning a basic curriculum for critical thinking for Islamic educational institutions.


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How to Cite

Malik, M. M. (2021). Construction of a Basic Perspective on Critical Thinking in Islam. วารสารอิสลามศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์, 12(1), 113–123. สืบค้น จาก