Debate on Political Leadership and Muslim Women Politicians in the Deep South of Thailand


  • Yasmin Sattar Faculty of Political Science, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus
  • Imron Sahoh Center for Conflict Studies and Cultural Diversity, Institute for Peace Studies, Prince of Songkla University.
  • Abdulawwal Sidi Madinatussalam Project, Fatoni University


Women, Melayu Muslim, Political Leader, Deep South


Objective This article is a part of the research on Formal Politics of Melayu Muslim Women in the Deep South: Roles, Opportunities, and Challenges. This article aims to discuss about leadership of Muslim women with the case study of Melayu Muslim women in the Deep South.

Methodology This is a qualitative research which has conducted through document reviewing and interviewing of Melayu Muslim women politicians in the Deep South.

Research Findings The result found that in the Deep South of Thailand, main challenge for Muslim women to participate in politics is the debating issue regarding to the women’s roles as state’s leaders. Muslim lawyers and intellectuals in the past interpreted this point differently in accordance with the norms and the cultures in each context. Some Muslim scholars did not see that the roles of woman as a leader either ministers or prime minister is contradicted to Islamic principles if that woman could observe and fulfill other Islamic principles which woman has to follow. Apart from that, in the deep south, most of people do not accept the role of woman in politics which affect to the woman politicians though she may have more supported factors, it is hard for her to win in the election in many boroughs.

Applications The finding was discussed with the women representative and civil society organizations in the Deep South and contributed to their projects to empower Deep South’s women.


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How to Cite

Sattar, Y., Sahoh, I. and Sidi, A. 2021. Debate on Political Leadership and Muslim Women Politicians in the Deep South of Thailand. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University. 12, 1 (Jun. 2021), 27–42.



Research Articles