Building Peace Culture in India of Sir, Syed Ahmad Khan


  • Abdunrohman Mukem South Asian Studies Center, Institute of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University


Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, Peace Culture, India


Objective This research paper aims to study Sir, Syed Ahmad Khan’s thought in building peace culture in pluralistic society in India, through the main question is, how Sir Syed Ahmad Khan solve the conflict in pluralistic society in India?

Methodology The researcher collected academic data from different sources, Thai and foreign to find out Sir, Syed’s thought in building peace culture. And interviewed key informants ten of Thai academic scholars, who expert about government and politics, society, culture and Indian philosophers.

Research Findings 1) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan presented his thoughts and approaches of building peace culture through inter-cultural learning cross cultures, 2) two eyes of India, 3) Quam and,
4) Indian secularism for reconciliation between Hindu and Muslim.

Applications Sir Syed Ahmad Khan’s thoughts can be applied in building peace culture in pluralistic society, due to it gave lesson of successful in solving conflict resolution in Indian society. Thai society should also learn it as an approach of solving going on conflict resolution.


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How to Cite

Mukem, A. 2021. Building Peace Culture in India of Sir, Syed Ahmad Khan. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University. 12, 1 (Jun. 2021), 43–53.



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