Development of Gontor’s Muadalah System-Based Muallimin Curriculum
Curriculum Development, Muadalah system, Muallimin Curriculumบทคัดย่อ
Objective This qualitative research aims to explore the development of the Muallimin curriculum based on the Muadalah system in Indonesia.
Methodology This study employed a qualitative research method in which interviews and documentation were the two main methods used in data collection. The descriptive qualitative analysis was adopted for data analysis.
Research Findings The Gontor’s Muadalah system-based Muallimin curriculum (or Muallimin curriculum) was designed based on Islamic concepts of education and general theories of curriculum development. It was developed based on the national standard curriculum as other curricula in Indonesia. However, the curriculum is distinguished by these five characteristics, namely, Pesantren's life, 24 hours’ education, a school for teachers, Kyai, or Sheikh (a scholar) as the central authority, and students' language skill. Muadalah system (the standardization of education in Pesantrens), which is a new system that was established by the Indonesian government has made a great impact on the Muallimin curriculum development and it also has paved the way for other Pesantrens to implement the Muallimin curriculum. The curriculum is well accepted and recognized by the Government and the people of Indonesia. Due to its well-integrated curriculum in which general and religious subjects are offered, the curriculum was able to produce well-rounded graduates, equipped with various faculties and senses; intellectual, moral, spiritual, physical, and social.
Applications This paper will broaden insight into the concepts and development of Gontor’s Muadalah system-based Muallimin curriculum and provide practical guidelines in curriculum development for other Pesantrens (Islamic Boarding Schools) in Indonesia.
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