Jewish Prehistory in Dimensions of the Holy Quran


  • Muhammaddawood Solhan คณะวิทยาการอิสลาม มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์
  • Abdulroning Suetair Ph.D. (West Asian Politics). Assistant professor Dr., Thesis Advisor faculty of Islamic Studies (Middle East Studies) Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Prince of Songkla University.


Interpretation, Relationship, Israeli, Noah


This research paper is the documentary research. To study the method used and interpretation of 3rd verse in Surat Al-Israa of the past muslims scholars, and the information appeared in the Torah, Bible and historical Research by using analytical description method in present the results of the study.

            The study found that 1) Bani-Israel is the Children of Israel, Those whom We carried in the Ark with Noah  ' , They were not Noah’s  ' descendant. 2) The interpretation of the past Muslims scholars are:                Mujahid bin Jabr - and Thawriy -, The first interpretation “(You are) the descendants of those whom We carried (in the Ark) with Noah”. They are Bani Israel and other descendants. Ibnu A’adil -, The second interpretation: Some scholars read that: Those whom We carried (in the Ark) with Noah Al-Suyutiy -, The third interpretation: Some scholars read that: Oh, those whom We carried (in the Ark) with Noah. 3) The Torah (Genesis 11: 10-26, 25: 19-26, 32: 22-27, 32:28, and 35: 23-26) is the source of view on Jews, that refer to "Judah" the children of Jacob, and Jacob was an Israel. Therefore, Bani Israel were the descendants of the tribes of Abraham '. Therefore, the Jewish people are the descendants of those whom we carried (in the Ark) with Noah, And Israel is not a prophet Jacob, Which has a lineage from the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) Keywords: Interpretation Relationship Israeli Noah  ' .


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How to Cite

Solhan, M., & Suetair , A. . (2020). Jewish Prehistory in Dimensions of the Holy Quran. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 11(2), 38–46. Retrieved from



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