The Performance of Islamic Education Teachers in Government Primary Schools in Yala Province, Kingdom of Thailand on Comprehensive Quality Standards: An Analytical Descriptive Study


  • Anwa Datoo Ph.D. Candidate at Faculty of Contemporary Islamic Studies, Sultan Zainal Abidin University, Terengganu, Malaysia.
  • Ruslan Abdulrahman


Islamic education teachers' performance, government primary schools, total quality


The concept of comprehensive quality in primary schools gives competitive strength to educational institutions, with its cumulative experiences in implementing the concept of comprehensive quality and applying its standards to government schools in Yala province, Kingdom of Thailand. The research adopts the descriptive and analytical method. The research concluded the following results: The overall quality standards related to the four aspects of teachers (personal, scientific, professional, educational, and social) were achieved overall from the sample evaluations with a very high level of significance with an arithmetic mean (4.29) and a standard deviation (0.69); achieved in the social aspect On the first ranking

with a very high level of significance, with an arithmetic mean (4.40) and a deviation It was achieved on the personal side On the second ranking with a very high level of significance, with a mean (4.31) and a standard deviation (0.74). It has also been achieved in the scientific aspect On the third ranking with a very high level of significance), with a mean (4.23) and a standard deviation (0.70). Then it was achieved on the educational (professional) side On the fourth ranking with a very high level of significance, with an arithmetic mean (4.23) and a standard deviation (0.71).


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How to Cite

Datoo, A. and Abdulrahman, R. 2020. The Performance of Islamic Education Teachers in Government Primary Schools in Yala Province, Kingdom of Thailand on Comprehensive Quality Standards: An Analytical Descriptive Study. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University. 11, 2 (Dec. 2020), 105–115.



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