The Law of Means in Accordance with the Law of Purpose or Intention and its Implementation in Da’wah-Islam Awareness Rising
means, purposes, da’wah, implementation, ruleAbstract
There is no doubt that we are living in an age of extensive knowledge and globalization, which causes the appearance of new and strange ijtihad -independent reasoning - related to da’wah issues and its means. Therefore, the need for the correction and regulation of this strange ijtihad according to the objectives of Sharia rules and principles. One aspect that contributes to regulating these ijtihad and its issues that align with the teachings of Islam is to adapt to the higher objectives of shariah (Islamic Law) and utilize this for da’wah implementation. One of these laws is "The law of means in accordance with the law of purpose or intention”. The research aims to elaborate on this law and explain the need for “rule of the objectives of Sharia” in da’wah to Islam and deriving some da’wah implementations based on this law.
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