The Fragile Relationships between Buddhists and Muslims in Thai Society


  • Ekkarin Tuansiri Lecturer, Political Science Faculty, Prince of Songkla University Pattani Campus.
  • Anwar Koma PhD. Candidate, International Relations, Dokuz Eylul University.


Buddhist-Muslim relations, Fragility, Islamophobia in Thailand


This study attempts to examine ontology of Buddhist-Muslim relations in Thai society between 2018-2019. A focus group and in-depth interview were used to collect data from 4 regions of the country between July-December 2018. It demonstrates that the tensions between Buddhists and Muslims in the society can be seen as a challenge of the 2010s, which needs to be monitored systematically. Such relations had been socially constructed through interactions between the compatriots of different religions and ethnicities and can be changed over times and over places, from cooperation to confrontation and violence. In this decade, such relations, however, has changed in a negative way. Examples are a change of direction from vertical violence to horizontal conflict in the far south, active protests of Buddhists against Muslims in the North and Northeast, and an increased visibility of Muslim identity in upper South and the Central. This research study explains why such relations turned more fragile, which areas are the most dangerous, and how is the conflict relevant to different types of area.


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How to Cite

Tuansiri, E. and Koma, A. 2019. The Fragile Relationships between Buddhists and Muslims in Thai Society. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University. 10, 2 (Dec. 2019), 14–26.



Research Articles