Status of Non-Muslim in the Islamic Countries


  • عثمان يون Ph.D. (Islamic law), Lecturer, Department of Islamic Law, College of Islamic Studies. Prince of songkla University Pattani Campus


Non-Muslim, Categories of non-Muslims, Islamic Countries, Islamic Laws, Islam


The purposes of this study were to clarify the important meaning of categories of non-Muslims in the view of Islamic Law. Islam gives priority to non-Muslims and also sets clear conditions for relationship with them. So as to make the right standing point of Muslims to them as well as how to treat them.

Non-Muslims are divided in many groups such as: 1- non-Muslims that do not live in Muslim countries and they also have many groups, including 2- Non-Muslims that live in Muslim countries known as Zimmi (traditional citizen under the government of Islamic leader in Muslim countries). And Musta’min (citizen who’s resided in Muslim countries under the temporary promise).

This Article explains the real meaning of Islamic countries by defining the real groups of Non-Muslims in Islamic countries and certainly in the relationships between Muslims and Non-Muslims through the middle way (Wassatiyah) and honesty in light of morality of Islam, following the Prophet Muhammad, the best model, and his disciples who always followed him methods in treating various religious groups with wisdom and beautiful preaching.


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How to Cite

يون ع. 2019. Status of Non-Muslim in the Islamic Countries. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University. 10, 1 (Jun. 2019), 73–84.



Academic Articles