Political Islam and Democratic Change in Egypt


  • Siriwat Hayiloh Graduate student, Master degree in Islamic Studies, College of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University.
  • Abdulraning Suetair Ph.D. (West Asian Studies), Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, College of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University


Democratization, Identity, Egypt, Political Islam


The revolutionary events of January and February 2011, in Egypt, opened the door for democratization in Egypt. The new phase were not only in Egypt but also in the whole Arab World whereby it has been characterized by new waves of democratization in Middle Eastern politics. In this regard, the purpose of this article examined the relationship between Islam and democracy and the impact of Islamic political activism on democratization behind the political liberalization process in Egypt. In this analysis, The Arab Spring created an opportunity for the Islamists to participate in politics openly. The Muslim Brotherhood used this opening approach power. But, the monarchies will resist the revolution affecting them by trying to confine the problem to other countries. However, as events in Egypt remained immune to the effects of the Arab spring. The sooner the ruling elites understand this, the more peaceful and controlled the democratic transition will be.


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How to Cite

Hayiloh, S. and Suetair, A. 2016. Political Islam and Democratic Change in Egypt. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University. 7, 2 (Dec. 2016), 87–94.



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