Effects of Video Documentary Presentations on Knowledge and Attitude of Secondary Students: A Case Study of Islamic History Class


  • Abdulhakam Hengpiya Ph.D. (Education), College of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus
  • Netnapha Chaisiri B.A. (Teaching of Islamic Studies), College of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus


Video documentary presentations, knowledge, attitude, history of Prophet Muhammad Salla Llahu ʿAlay-hi Wa-sallam


This study examined the effects of video documentary presentations on students’ knowledge and attitude in social study, religion and culture subject under the unit of Islamic history (al-Tarikh), titled “History of Prophet Muhammad Salla Llahu ʿAlay-hi Wa-sallam” of the first secondary grade students. The classroom action research was employed to enhance knowledge of the subject matter and positive attitude toward Islamic history class by applying video documentary media. One of the classes of Khuan Don Wittaya secondary school in Satun province, south of Thailand was purposively selected to be research participants consisting of 28 students. Students’ knowledge indicated by their learning achievement was assessed through a multiple choice test, while their attitude toward Islamic history class was examined by a questionnaire survey. The results of paired samples t-test showed that the score of pre-test (x̅ = 6.29 and S.D = 0.93) and post-test (x̅ = 8.32 and S.D = 0.94) were statistically significant different at 0.50. This implies that the students’ learning achievement in Islamic history class has improved significantly after using video documentary presentations. Students’ attitude was also reported to have favorable attitude toward Islamic history class (x̅ = 4.02 and S.D = 0.82).


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How to Cite

Hengpiya, A. and Chaisiri, N. 2016. Effects of Video Documentary Presentations on Knowledge and Attitude of Secondary Students: A Case Study of Islamic History Class. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University. 7, 2 (Dec. 2016), 78–86.



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