Personality of Caliph Uthman Ibn Affan


  • ทิวากร แย้มจังหวัด Ph.D. Candidate, Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Islamic Studies, Collage of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla university, Pattani Campus.
  • อับดุลรอนิง สือแต Ph.D. (Middle East Studies), Lecturer, College of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus.


Personality, Uthman Ibn Affan, Conflict Management


Uthman Ibn Affan was the 3rd Caliph of the Islamic State. He was known as a leader with a great personality. Because of his personality was important factor that support him to rule the Islamic State to be prosperous and ascendant in that time. Thus the objective of this article was to study the personality of Uthman Ibn Affan t through lessons learned that have been mentioned from a great story. In addition through his excellent character has been leading the Muslim community to resolve conflicts in that period. This study found that the great personality of Uthman Ibn Affan t included: knowledgeable, calm, flexibility, compromise, forgiveness, gentle, volunteerism, courage, patience and justice. From this all personality had been contributed to resolve problems and conflicts management in his time. Furthermore, he could expand and conquer so many regional cities in the period 12 years of being Caliph. Moreover during his caliphate Muslim could be delivered the massage of Islam to the mankind widely as well as development of military, political system as was revealed to the world.


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How to Cite

แย้มจังหวัด ท. and สือแต อ. 2016. Personality of Caliph Uthman Ibn Affan. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University. 7, 2 (Dec. 2016), 59–73.



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