Research Methodology of Islamic History


  • MuhammadRoflee Waehama Ph.D (Islamic Studies), Lecturer of Islamic Studies Department, College of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus.
  • Kader Sa-ah Ph.D (Islamic Studies), Assistance Professor of Islamic Studies Department, College of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus.


Islamic History, Historical Methodology, Historical Facts


Historical research aims to find historical facts of the human beings through historical methodology to reflect the facts of the past that closer to the truth. Even though, Islamic history is like a general history that applies methodology and systematic inquiry data processing, nevertheless it has its own identity, especially in the early Islamic history, which is closely related to the religion. However, it has some methods that are different from general history methodology. This article intends to present some aspects of Islamic methodology in four main areas; classification of evidence, examination of evidence, criticism as well as interpretation of Islamic historical evidence. The study found that the Islamic historical methodology is quite different from general history in some aspects. Such differences are still preserved for the academic accuracy and as such do not reduce the credibility of Islamic history.


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How to Cite

Waehama, M. and Sa-ah, K. 2016. Research Methodology of Islamic History. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University. 7, 2 (Dec. 2016), 33–45.



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