Component-indicator Development of Academic Leadership for Private School Administrators in Yala Province
Academic Leadership, School Administrator, Exploratory Factory Analysis, Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Private schoolsAbstract
Academic leadership becomes a core component of school administration towards effectiveness and efficiency. This study aimed to examine the underlying component and its indicators of academic leadership of school administrators in the context for private education in Yala province using the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis method. The participants are 150 school teachers. The result indicates that academic leadership consists of 3 components with 10 indicators. Of these, the administrators’ ability to come up with academic action plan is assumed to be the first most influential component while the second and the third can be described as capability of assessing learners and developing teacher profession. Due to not relatively high relationship found between the components, they then can be used as variables in causal relationship study. Rather, the indicators can be employed as a scale to measure the leadership attributes of school administrators within the context of southern border provinces.
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