The Use of Demonstration-Based Instruction for Enhancing Students Learning: A Case Study of Islamic Studies Class in Secondary School
Demonstration-Based Instruction, Management of Corpsesบทคัดย่อ
This study examined the effect of using demonstration-based instruction for enhancing students learning in Islamic studies subject entitled “Management of Corpses” of the 2nd secondary grade students and their attitude toward Islamic studies classes. One of the classes consisting of 18 students was purposely selected to be the research participants from Khuan Don Wittaya School, Khuan Don District, Satun Province, Southern Thailand. The data of students learning were collected through a multiple choice test consisting of 20 objective test items, while their attitudes toward Islamic studies classes by using demonstration-based instruction was examined using a questionnaire survey. The data collected from the students were analyzed by using descriptive statistical analysis and dependent sample t-test. It was observed from the results of the t-test statistical analysis that the score of pre-test (M = 10.61 and S.D = 3.05) and post-test (M = 14.56 and S.D = 3.15) were statistically significant difference at 0.05. This implied that the students’ learning in the management of corpse has improved significantly after using demonstration-based instruction. The results of descriptive statistical analysis further showed that overall level of students’ attitude towards Islamic study classes by using the demonstration method was very high (M = 2.88 and S.D = .16).
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