Problems and Guidelines for Developing the Quality of Arabic Interpreters for Medical Tourism in Thailand


  • ปัญญา นาวงษ์ Ph.D. (Arabic Language), Lecturer in Middle East Studies Program, College of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University Pattani Campus


Problem of Arabic Interpreter, Guidelines for Developing Quality of Arabic Interpreters, Medical Tourism


This qualitative research article aims; 1) to study the problem of Arabic interpreters for medical tourism in Thailand, 2) to study the development of quality of Arabic interpreters for medical tourism in Thailand. The sample consisted of 9 Arabic interpreters plus a chief interpreter and 2 physicians from 3 private hospitals in Bangkok, totaling 12 persons. The research instrument is semi-structured in-depth interview. The research found Arabic interpreters for medical tourism face 2 significant challenges: first, they are unable to understand Arabic dialects and medical terminologies and are unfamiliar with Arabs’ moods; they do not understand standard Arabic and Arab cultures well. They also have minor problems in how to cooperate with other parties, are unable to work hard, are sometimes impolite, how they choose problems solving methods and translations, and they involve relatives in Arabic dialects interpretation in their job. Second. interpreters development obstacles for medical tourism which includes compulsory learning more Arabic dialects, standard Arabic, English and Thai, medical terminologies, being equipped with more medical information, computer skills, management and marketing, and finally, coping mechanism and patience with patients and colleague habits, courage, responsibility, hard work, appropriate personality and experience before the commencement of  their professional work.


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How to Cite

นาวงษ์ ป. 2017. Problems and Guidelines for Developing the Quality of Arabic Interpreters for Medical Tourism in Thailand. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University. 8, 1 (Jun. 2017), 18–34.



Academic Articles