Strengthening Islamic Cultural Heritage of the Malays in Malaysia and Southern Thailand in the Post Global Society
Malay Islamic heritage, Post Globalบทคัดย่อ
Malay and Islamic religion have existed long ago in the Malaysian soil, bringing about the Malay Islamic arts and culture. The Malay Islamic Arts and Culture have been the epitome of Malays in Malaysia. Recently, the wave of globalization has transformed some Malay Islamic Arts and Culture to be less significance in the daily life of a Malay Muslim. The role of Malay Islamic Arts and culture is slowly becoming alien to the heart of Malay Muslims. Many factors have contributed to the phenomenon of less popularity in the Malay Islamic Arts and Culture. The Malays themselves have embraced many western influences brought by the introduction of technologies and education. Adopting and practicing modern living with many constraints such as time, monetary and space have led many Malay Muslims to slowly forget their precious gem, the Malay Islamic Arts and Culture. This paper highlights the variety of Malay Islamic arts and culture practiced as rituals by Malay Muslims in Malaysia. It also discusses the factors contributing to the dying of these arts and culture as well as recommending some suggestions in curbing the ever disturbing scenarios of Malay Islamic Arts and Culture.
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