A study of 21st Century Learning Skills of Students in Higher Education Institutions in Three Southern Border Provinces


  • อับดุลเลาะ เจ๊ะหลง M.Ed. (Education for Community Development), Educator, Prince of Songkla University Pattani campus


This qualitative research aims to study the 21st century learning skills of students in higher education institutions in three southern border provinces. The samples used are 40 undergraduate students currently studying at government universities in three southern border provinces. Multi-methods were used to collect data, based on interview,  focus group discussion, participant observation and non-participant observation. Validity and reliability were verified through establishment of good rapport, cautious transcription and reaffirmation. Descriptive analysis was performed for the purpose of data analysis. The results showed that teaching thinking in science and mathematics subject at pre university level are the main problems. It was found that students were lacked of  knowledge about multiculturalism world affect living, worldviews and ideas concerning quality of life improvement, understanding in authentic leadership, maturity and leadership skills. Most of them have no analysis and synthesis thinking on receiving information from media and using the internet. Most of them have neither learning and working skills nor working plan for the future.


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How to Cite

เจ๊ะหลง อ. (2019). A study of 21st Century Learning Skills of Students in Higher Education Institutions in Three Southern Border Provinces. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 8(2), 1–17. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JOIS/article/view/166835



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