Innovative Financing Options for Islamic Microfinance Institutions


  • Ibrahim Fofana Ph.D. (Law), Kulliyah of laws, International Islamic University Malaysia


Sources, Funds, Islamic Microfinance


Islamic microfinance in this contemporary era requires to be supported in many countries at global level particularly in Indonesia, Bangladesh and Afghanistan. However, the issue of sources of funding of Islamic microfinance institutions has been a major challenge. This paper attempts to tackle this issue of liquidity shortage of financing the institutions. The paper finds that there are two main sources of funds which might be viable and vibrant financing instruments for the Islamic microfinance institutions. These sources of funds include internal and external sources of funds. This paper is unique in its context and might be helpful to the sustainability of Islamic microfinance institutions. Furthermore, it might play a significant role to facilitate more efficient liquidity management paradigm and increase the funds size of the Islamic microfinance institutions.


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How to Cite

Fofana, I. 2018. Innovative Financing Options for Islamic Microfinance Institutions. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University. 9, 1 (Jun. 2018), 58–72.



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