Rabbanic Human Personality: Wasatiyyah between Selfishness and Monasticism


  • محمّد بن داود سماروه Asst. Prof. in Department of Usuluddin ; faculty of Islamic Studies and Laws, Fatoni University


Rabbanic, Wasatiyyah, Selfishness, Monasticism


This article shows that selfishness is a human characteristic that cares about one’s own desires and pleasures and ignores  others’ and their interests. While monasticism is a description for the person who devoted his life for God’s worshipping, and overrides the human desires and primitive needs, as well as Isolated from the others and their concerns without trying to improve their conditions. Selfish’ attention is purely worldly, whereas the monastic’s attention is about religious aspects only. Selfishness and monasticism share the lack of interest to others, and not guide them for better life.

The article concludes that The personal Muslim demand (humanity trait and Rabbanic direction) is mediation and moderation in the interest of both sides: the religious and secular attention to the interests of others and their good. What makes the Muslim distinction is being Rabbanic and Commitment to the ethics in his activities and  community services with ambition to gain material superiority, and spiritual highness through connecting life with hereafter. Therefore, a Muslim who is brought up by the Book of Allah the Almighty and the Sunnah of His Messenger, peace be upon him, through Islamic education curriculum and requirements of the social bringing up, has a personality that combines the divine and human, who is righteous by itself and good to others, useful in this life, aims to win in the hereafter, median in his perspectives and its attitudes, and being witness on others.


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How to Cite

سماروه م.ب.د. 2016. Rabbanic Human Personality: Wasatiyyah between Selfishness and Monasticism. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University. 7, 1 (May 2016), 99–110.



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