Development of e-Learning System for Instruction in Islamic Private Schools


  • จารุวัจน์ สองเมือง Ed.D (Educational Leadership and Innovation), Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, Fatoni University.
  • ธีรพงศ์ แก่นอินทร์ Ph.D (Curriculum and Instruction), Associate Professor Faculty of Education, Prince of Songkla University Pattani Campus.
  • อิบรอฮีม ณรงค์รักษาเขต Ph.D. (Education), Associate Professor, College of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus.


E-learning, Instruction, Islamic Private Schools


This Study is a research and development which aimed to develop E-learning system and its guidelines to apply the system in Islamic Private Schools. This research was divided into 4 periods such as, the period of studying the state and the need in teaching and learning; the period of system designing and development; the period of study’s  effectiveness; and the period of experiment the system in the real situation. The results of the study showed as follows; E-learning system for the Islamic private schools was aimed at applying as learning media used along with teaching in classroom. E-learning consisted of 3 factors; 1) Support section, included policy and supporting, information technology foundation structure, and web-site management; 2) preparation process, included teachers, students, contents, activities and learning resources, assessment and evaluation, and 3) Instructional activities, included setting learning rules and students desired behaviors, presentation and sharing opinions, encouragement and learning response, applications, and result summarizing.


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How to Cite

สองเมือง จ., แก่นอินทร์ ธ. and ณรงค์รักษาเขต อ. 2016. Development of e-Learning System for Instruction in Islamic Private Schools. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University. 7, 1 (May 2016), 60–73.



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