The Administration and Management of Muslims’ Polygamy Family in Muang District Pattani Province


  • รูดียะห์ หะ M.A. Student in Islamic Studies Program, College of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus.
  • ซาฝีอี อาดำ Ph.D. (West Asian Studies), Lecturer in Middle East Studies Program, College of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus.


Polygamy, Management, Muslim’s Family


This research aims to examine the administration and management in the Muslims’ polygamy family and to study the problems and conditions that affect the management of the Muslims’ polygamy family. The research was conducted by using a qualitative methodology. and the data were obtained from the case study of a Muslim’s family in Muang District, Pattani Province numbering about 10 numbers. The data were collected through the in-depth interview, observations and relationship building. The researcher analyzed the data by interpreting meaning of the data and using a computer program ATLAS.ti to assist in data analysis. The research found that the management in the Muslim’s Polygamy Family includes 1) Treating the wives and children fairly, 2) Relationship building among family’s members, 3) Teaching of religious knowledge, 4) Emphasizing the upbringing of children, 5) Managing conflict within the family, and 6) Managing emotion and stress. The problems faced which affected the management of the polygamous Muslim family can be divided into: 1) The problems caused by the insiders which include, experience of stress during the period of adjustment, the husband is lacking  preparation  in giving understanding to the first wife and lastly the difficulties in economic issues, 2) The problems caused by the outsiders which include the parents of his wife who did not accept that status, the incorrect understanding of people around his wife, by in the same society, and lastly the impact of the social media. The contextual conditions still affect the management of the families, at the individual level some of husbands, wives and also other Muslims still misunderstand about the concept of polygamy in Islam. And at the social level there should be a program giving the correct Islamic knowledge to Muslim society in order to apply this provision in conformity with the condition of context.


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How to Cite

หะ ร. and อาดำ ซ. 2016. The Administration and Management of Muslims’ Polygamy Family in Muang District Pattani Province. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University. 7, 1 (May 2016), 29–43.



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