Exercises and it Effect on Academic Achievement


  • مرتضى فرح علي Ph.D. (Arabic Language), Lecturer at Fatoni University, Thailand


Exercises, Investigation, Academic Achievement


The study aims  to investigate the effect of training on the achievement of the students. The study fallows descriptive analytical and experimental approach and it found some results: The students who received academic trainings are better  than those who did not receive it. And it is clear through comparing between groups (T) it’s used exercise and (D) do not used it. Thus the first group success totally in the test than second group in abilities. Add to this that students have a positive preference to exercise group (T) or (D). Also it is clear to see the positive effect of exercise to develop the certain abilities (practical’ analysis’ compound’ understand’ and reminder) it is typically with the study at all abilities’ but it is clear to see the remember skill is near between two groups.


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How to Cite

علي م. ف. (2018). Exercises and it Effect on Academic Achievement. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 6(2), 91–100. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JOIS/article/view/145056



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