Construction of Worship Places in Malaysia
Places in Malaysia, Construction of WorshipAbstract
This study is on a build temples to non-Muslims in the Islamic countries, particularly in Malaysia, which consists of multiple races and different religions, particularly since the land was historically a Malaysia race features Malay Muslims, this country's sensation occurs which is the religion of Islam is the official religion in addition to the large proportion of the population is Muslims Malay, so it is necessary to disclose and describe the views of scholars on this issue for the right problem for the confused community, This study employed the inductive approach by extrapolating the views of fuqaha’ and scholars and authors related this with reference to syariahevidence from the Qur'aan and Sunnah, and the search ended as Malaysia an Islamic State and its property of sweat features Malay is colonization by Britain and then independence in 1958 and has been a Absolute justice, and justice never it is not permissible for non-Muslims to make any type of temples and churches in violation of Islamic law.
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