Al-Hisbah: Study of Public Participation in Investigating Leaders Under Islamic Parent


  • อีสมาแอ กาเต๊ะ College of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus.


al-Hisbah, Public Participation, Islamic Leaders


Al-Hisbah was separated into three types, namely investigation of people by leaders, investigation of people by themselves and investigation of leaders by people which is the issue presented in this article. It showed Islam provides opportunity for public sector in participation in investigating the leaders or it was called civil politics. It is right and duty of people to reinforce good deeds, to prevent from evils with advice, to offer perspectives as well as assembly expression to call for justice with peaceful means.


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How to Cite

กาเต๊ะ อ. (2015). Al-Hisbah: Study of Public Participation in Investigating Leaders Under Islamic Parent. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 6(1), 85–101. Retrieved from



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