Factors Affecting Burnout Syndrome among Registered Nurses in Fang Hospital, Chiang Mai
Burnout syndrome, Factors affecting burnout syndrome, Registered nurseAbstract
This cross-sectional descriptive study, aimed to investigate the prevalence and predictors of burnout syndrome among registered nurses at Fang Hospital, Chiang Mai Province. A sample of 115 registered nurses was selected using a stratified random sampling method. Data were collected using validated instrument, including the workload questionnaires, resilience questionnaires, quality of work life questionnaire, and burnout syndrome questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and multiple logistic regression analysis were used for analysis.
The results revealed that most participants were female (94.80%), aged 20–30 years (40.90%) and had 1–5 years of work experience in the hospitals (39.10%). Burnout syndrome was identified in 38.30% of the participants. In terms of burnout dimensions, 37.40% reported a high level of emotional exhaustion, 67.80% experienced a low level of depersonalization and 95.70 % had a low level of personal accomplishment. Multiple logistic regression analysis identified significant predictors of burnout syndrome, including a high or very high workload (adjusted OR=4.73, 95%CI:1.45-15.46) and low quality of work-life, particularly in work-life balance (adjusted OR=5.79, 95%CI:1.59-21.14).
The findings highlight the importance of managing nursing workforce levels and workload appropriately, as well as enhancing the quality of working life for particularly in achieving work-life balance. Such measures could reduce burnout and improve workplace and working efficiency.
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