Developing the Grassroots Economy through Cultural Capital: A Case Study of the Mon Ethnic Group in Ban Wang Ka, Nong Lu Subdistrict, Sangkhla Buri District, Kanchanaburi Province


  • Nobparat Chaichana Program Social Innovation for Community Development, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Kanchanaburi Rajabhat University, Kanchanaburi 71190
  • Weerawat Udomsap Program Social Innovation for Community Development, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Kanchanaburi Rajabhat University, Kanchanaburi 71190
  • Marosaeh Lohlaeh Program Social Innovation for Community Development, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Kanchanaburi Rajabhat University, Kanchanaburi 71190
  • Suapong Sukchaona Digital Content Design major, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kanchanaburi Rajabhat University, Kanchanaburi 71190
  • Photjanee Sukchaona Department of Computer Studies, Faculty of Science and Technology, Kanchanaburi Rajabhat University, Kanchanaburi 71190
  • Weera Yukunthorn The Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science and Technology, Kanchanaburi Rajabhat University, Kanchanaburi 71190.
  • Wiyada Pollachai Program Social Digital Technology for Business, Faculty of Management Science Kanchanaburi Rajabhat University, Kanchanaburi Province, 71190


Cultural capital, Grassroots economy, Mon community of Ban Wang Ka, Local development


This research aims to study the development of the grassroots economy through the utilization of cultural capital by the Mon ethnic group in Ban Wang Ka, Nong Loo Subdistrict, Sangkhla Buri District, Kanchanaburi Province. The objectives are to synthesize the cultural capital of the Ban Wang Ka community, analyze the role of cultural capital in grassroots economic development, and identify ways to use this capital to create added value and improve the quality of life of the community The research employs qualitative methods, incorporating anthropological approaches. The sample group consists of 25 individuals with knowledge and experience in the community's culture and economy. Data collection methods include in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and on-site observation. Research tools consist of structured and semi-structured interview guides to collect comprehensive and in-depth data. Data analysis involves content analysis and thematic analysis, using triangulation to enhance the credibility of the findings

The study results reveal that the Mon ethnic group in Ban Wang Ka possesses diverse and profound cultural capital, including religious beliefs and traditional rituals such as the "Boat Floating Ceremony" for misfortune dispelling and the Mon Songkran Festival, which are held annually and play a significant role in generating income for the community. These events attract numerous tourists, both from within and outside the region, resulting in income distribution through various channels, such as entrance fees, accommodation, food and beverages, and the sale of souvenirs and local products like Mon-woven textiles, jewelry, and handicrafts Survey data indicate that the community's average income increases by approximately 30% during major cultural festivals, especially during the Songkran Festival, which attracts over 3,000 tourists annually. This leads to an economic circulation exceeding 500,000 baht per year within the community. Utilizing this cultural capital not only helps preserve and transmit the Mon identity of Ban Wang Ka but also plays a crucial role in promoting cultural tourism and fostering sustainable economic collaboration. The approach to leveraging cultural capital can effectively add value and create economic sustainability  for the community, serving as an essential tool for grassroots economic development and strengthening the Mon community in Ban Wang Ka in the long term.


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How to Cite

Chaichana, N., Udomsap, W., Lohlaeh, M., Sukchaona, S., Sukchaona, P., Yukunthorn, W., & Pollachai, W. (2024). Developing the Grassroots Economy through Cultural Capital: A Case Study of the Mon Ethnic Group in Ban Wang Ka, Nong Lu Subdistrict, Sangkhla Buri District, Kanchanaburi Province. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 12(2), 116–144. retrieved from



Research Article