Developing Judicial Process to Rehabilitate Offenders by Specifying The Timeline of Crime-Free Period


  • pakornkiat wanichwattanakul Program in Justice Administration, Faculty of Law, Thammasat University (Tha Prachan Campus), Bangkok 10200


Crime-free period, Criminal record, Judicial process


The study recommends that implementing such crime-free period in Thailand requires developing judicial process that maintains a substantial public interest and while ensuring a sense of fairness. This balanced approach, which is appropriate for crime-free period in Thailand, would facilitate the successful reintegration of ex-offenders into society, solve problems caused by having a criminal record and to mitigate the disproportionate effects of a criminal record that hinder rehabilitation. It affects those who deserve a chance to start a new life after, despite completing their punishment, cannot fully overcome society’s negative attitudes, unfair discrimination and the lifelong stigma resulted from their criminal background. This objectives of this study are to help the public and society understand in such manner having a crime-free period for the rehabilitation of ex-offenders after their punishment is fully completed. This involves developing principles related to criminal record in connection with a social values,
as presented through the Collective Conscience. The concept of “Restorative Choice Theory in Justice Administration Law” is also discussed. This concept emphasizes providing ex-offenders with opportunities and choices in life, enabling them to make appropriate life decision and live a normal life. It also aims to create a balance in the judicial process that recognizes the intrinsic value of each human being.


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How to Cite

wanichwattanakul, pakornkiat. (2024). Developing Judicial Process to Rehabilitate Offenders by Specifying The Timeline of Crime-Free Period. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 12(2), 281–300. retrieved from



Research Article