Enhancing English Speaking Skills for Daily Life Communication of Undergraduate Students Adopting Task-Based Language Learning Techniques
Enhancing English Speaking Skills, English Speaking Abilities, Task-based Learning Techniques, Developing English Conversation Practice for Daily CommunicationAbstract
The purposes of this research were 1) to study the effect of using English conversation practices for daily life communication in improving the subjects English speaking abilities by adopting task-based learning techniques and 2) to develop English conversation by adopting task-based learning techniques enhancing English speaking skills for daily communication. The sample group in this research was 30 third-year students in an English major at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University, using purposive sampling. The tools used in the research were: 1) a pre-test for the heterogeneous group, 2) conversation practice adopting a task-based learning technique, and 3) an English-speaking behavior observation form for daily life communication. Data analysis and statistical values were collected and analyzed by statistical methods to analyze statistical values to find 1) the mean, 2) the standard deviation, and 3) to compare the achievement in English speaking by a task-oriented technique using a dependent sample t-test to compare the achievement in English speaking.
The results of the research found that: 1) the ability to speak English for daily life communication adopting task-based activities of the third-year students majoring in English after implementation was significantly higher than before implementation at .05 and 2) The students' achievement in speaking English after the course of study had a passing score of not less than 70 percent of 28 persons, representing a percentage of 75 and some students did not meet the criteria of 2 people, as a percentage 25.
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