Grounded Theory on the Strength of Curriculum Development Systemin Demonstration Secondary School, Khon Kaen University
Grounded theory, Curriculum development system, CurriculumAbstract
This was qualitative research in the form of grounded theory. The purpose of this research was to present a theoretical conclusion from the strength of the curriculum development system at Demonstration Secondary School. The key informants included administrators, the curriculum development and learning management committee, the head of the learning group, and lecturers, totaling 6 people. The instrument was an in-depth interview with guided questions that included 1) basic information of key informants, 2) teaching and learning management, 3) school administration and management, 4) strengths and weaknesses of the curriculum development system, and 5) suggestions. The data were collected by transcripts of key informants’ interviews. The data were encoded and analyzed using ATLAS.ti program which can analyze unstructured data through coding.
The result found that the strengths of the curriculum development system in the Demonstration Secondary School are in 3 dimensions, including 1) a systematic management process, 2) the availability of resources is an advantage, and 3) a comprehensive school curriculum.
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