Social Movement on the Resolutions About the High Voltage Pole Between 2011-2019 in Mueang District, Udonthani Province


  • Worrawoot Jumlongnark College of Politics and Governance, Mahasarakham University, Mahasarakham 44150


Electricity Trading, Energy Security, Cooperation of the Country in the Region


This research aims to study the social movement on the resolutions about the high voltage pole in Mueang District between 2011-2019, Udonthani Province which affects the local people in the area especially being evicted from cultivating areas. This is qualitative research by using in-depth interviews and documentary research as tools of the study. Guidelines for the conduct of villagers' committees affected by the high voltage transmission line (NCPO) in accordance with the Resource Mobilization theory (RM) and the political opportunity structure analysis, the results of the research show that. 1) The villagers use direct anti-EGAT Officer personnel tactics, use the law and build a network to compete with the state agencies. 2) Since the coup of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) occurred on 22 May 2014, Thailand has come under an authoritarian regime which caused the blocking of popular movement and political expression. The researcher suggestion is that there must be a network of popular cooperation in urging the NCPO government to restore sovereignty to the people. Elections should be representatives from the people and lead to constitution amendments and must establish social movement as a strong organization. This is because it is very necessary to carry out the struggle to be effective.


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How to Cite

Jumlongnark, W. (2023). Social Movement on the Resolutions About the High Voltage Pole Between 2011-2019 in Mueang District, Udonthani Province. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 11(2), 287–305. retrieved from



Research Article