A Comparative Study of Bachelor’s Degree Curriculum in Thai Dramatic Education Offered of Thailand


  • ronnachai nanthochot Department of General Education Chanthaburi collage of Dramatic Art
  • Siwanat Thiangtrong Division of Drama Education, Chanthaburi College of Dramatic Arts
  • Chaichana Sealor Division of Drama Education, Chanthaburi College of Dramatic Arts
  • Nisakon Thongdee Division of Drama Education, Chanthaburi College of Dramatic Arts
  • Panvad Sornphom Bunditpatanasilpa Institute, Nakhon Pathom
  • Parichat Sangnu Bunditpatanasilpa Institute, Nakhon Pathom
  • Pisitthakorn Phoonkasem Division of Drama Education, Chanthaburi College of Dramatic Arts
  • Suchanaree Yueayai Division of Drama Education, Chanthaburi College of Dramatic Arts
  • Onwara Makeaw Division of Drama Education, Chanthaburi College of Dramatic Arts
  • Tarada Prasert Department of Thai Dramatic Arts, Chanthaburi collage of Dramatic Art


Comparative Study, Thai Dramatic Education, Bachelor’s Degree Curriculum


The comparative study of the Bachelor’s degree curriculum in Thai dramatic education has 3 purposes including the study of curriculum, analyzing and comparing the identity of curriculum, and proposing the guidelines for the development of Bachelor's degree curriculum in Thai dramatic education of Thailand. This study is based on Thai Qualifications Framework for higher education (TQF: HEd) No. 2 by Bereday's comparative education theory (1964). The results show that the identity of each curriculum is similar and has different parts corresponding to the study results of curriculum comparison and effect on the variety of characteristic graduate students. The guidelines for development of the Thai dramatic education curriculum are to import or develop educational of dramatic technology to participate on teaching and learning, to add courses that support the life skills in the 21st century, to promote the language and communication skills with an emphasis on laying the foundation for a third language. The curriculum determines the topics of the seminar in dramatic arts according to student interest and adding English proficiency tests according to the standards set by the institute. This research will be useful for the person who is interested in the comparative study of Thai dramatic education to demonstrate the differences and can be used as a guideline for improving and developing the Bachelor's degree curriculum in Thai dramatic studies of the institution of education in Thailand afterward.


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How to Cite

nanthochot, ronnachai, Thiangtrong, S., Sealor, C., Thongdee, N., Sornphom, P., Sangnu, P., Phoonkasem, P., Yueayai, S., Makeaw, O., & Prasert, T. (2023). A Comparative Study of Bachelor’s Degree Curriculum in Thai Dramatic Education Offered of Thailand. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 11(1), 227–245. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Humanties-up/article/view/264066



Research Article