Social Space of Transnational Migrant Workers from Myanmar, Lao PDR, Cambodia in Bangkok and Adjacent Provinces


  • Tanaradee Khumya Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 19000


Transnational Migrant, Migration, Social Space


This study examines the social space of Myanmar, Lao and Cambodian workers using the concepts of migration, mobility, and social space. The social space in this study is defined as boundaries and freedom to live in a society that is under the relationship of power and the position of power relations which is made up of natural (physical, geographical) social and network and relationship patterns in society. This study used semi-structured interviews with 278 Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos migrant workers. The questions for interviews were translated into 3 languages: Myanmar, Lao and Cambodian. Descriptive Statistics, Mean Analysis, Standard Deviation of Data and F-test Statistics were used.A numerical measure of social space was calculated which the maximum score is 35. 

The study shows that the overall mean social space is 17.6. Lao workers have the highest measure of social space in Thailand, at 20.3, followed by Cambodian workers (17.0) and Myanmar workers (16.9). Considering social space by gender and nationality, Lao female workers scored highest. Their scores were and significantly higher than Lao male workers.


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How to Cite

Khumya, T. (2023). Social Space of Transnational Migrant Workers from Myanmar, Lao PDR, Cambodia in Bangkok and Adjacent Provinces. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 11(2), 272–286. retrieved from



Research Article