Strategy in Capital Development to Enhance Social Status of Ethnic Group: A Case Study in Yong Elites, Upper Northern Regions of Thailand


  • Jaturutchai Jintanasittikun Regional Development Strategies, School of Social Sciences, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University
  • Lelar Treeaekanukul Regional Development Strategies, School of Social Sciences, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University
  • Vikrom Boonnun Regional Development Strategies, School of Social Sciences, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University
  • Gomin Wang-on Regional Development Strategies, School of Social Sciences, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University


Ethnic, Strategy, Yong People


This qualitative research investigated strategies in developing ethnic capitals to strengthen their social status employed by Yong elites. Sixteen target groups for the study were Yong elites from 1) Pa Sang district, 2) Mueang Lamphun district in Lamphun 3) Buak Khang, San Kamphaeng district, Chiang Mai  4) Mae Chan, Chiang Rai. Data collection was done by deep interviewing and studying life history of the target groups. Besides, thirteen key informants were interviewed to fulfill some more special information. Data analysis was undergone by content analysis, SWOT analysis and triangulation in compared to participant observation and non-participant observation as well as review literature before presenting the research results.

The findings showed that from the past to the present, Yong elites in Upper Northern regions of Thailand have employed their strategies in developing ethnic capitals to strengthen their social status. There were 15 strategies found; for example, 1) the strategy in becoming Buddhist monks on purpose to enhance personal ability 2) the strategy in paying a visit and spending life in a big city for personal ability development   3) the strategy in spending economic capital for further education resulting in a well-known and powerful person in society 4) the strategy in applying personal abilities with economic capital to develop their cultural tourist attractions in order to strengthen great earning potential to the community. 5) the strategy in applying their personal abilities as well as their personal prestige in developing Yong connection to be a sustainable institutionalization of Yong.     


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How to Cite

Jintanasittikun, J., Treeaekanukul, L., Boonnun, V., & Wang-on, G. (2023). Strategy in Capital Development to Enhance Social Status of Ethnic Group: A Case Study in Yong Elites, Upper Northern Regions of Thailand. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 11(1), 281–305. retrieved from



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