The Model of Intergeneration Participatory Activities to Promote the Active Aging of the Pre-Aging of Namjo Sub-District, Maetha District, Lampang Province


  • Panotnon Teanprapakun Lampang Rajabhat University
  • Monta Ratanachan Lampang Rajabhat University
  • Pitcha Thanomsieng Lampang Rajabhat University
  • Wilaiwan Klintavorn Lampang Rajabhat University


The Model of Participatory Activities, Intergenerational, Active Aging, Pre-Aging


This research aimed to 1) establish the model of intergenerational participatory activities to promote the active aging of the pre-aging, and 2) to study the effect of using the model of intergenerational participatory activities to promote the active aging. The target groups were 30 pre -aging people aged between 45 - 59 years old and 30 children aged between 6–12 years old by volunteer selection. The research instruments were 1) the model of intergenerational participatory activities to promote the active aging of the are-aging, 2) pre-elderly active aging assessment form and 3) the record of the data reflective mentality on the intergenerational participatory activities.

The research revealed that 1) the six activities to promote the active aging of the pre-elderly with an average score of each item in the range of 3.73 - 4.44 and the mean of all activities were 4.08 at the most appropriate level. 2) the pre-elderly had post-participation potency more than pre-participation at 3.66 which increased to 3.90 and 3.66. That, especially the highest participation, followed by health and security.


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How to Cite

Teanprapakun, P., Ratanachan, M. ., Thanomsieng, P. ., & Klintavorn, W. . (2023). The Model of Intergeneration Participatory Activities to Promote the Active Aging of the Pre-Aging of Namjo Sub-District, Maetha District, Lampang Province. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 11(1), 185–214. retrieved from



Research Article