The Development of the Use of Language Strategies to Express Wishes and Requests Politely by Beginner Learners in French


  • Jarukan Jitwongnan French Section, Faculty of Liberal Arts, University of Phayao
  • Luc Nguyen French Section, Faculty of Liberal Arts, University of Phayao


Request, Politeness, French, Context of communication


This study was conducted with the idea that an introduction of simple expressions concerning the wishes and requests as well as the polite forms allows beginners’ learners to express the wishes and requests by respecting the context of communication. Based on experimental research, the purposes of this study were 1) to develop a learning unit entitled “Expressing the wishes and requests politely” 2) to compare pretest and posttest scores before and after a teaching intervention by using the developed learning unit as mentioned 3) to ascertain the Effectiveness Index (E.I.) of the learning unit. The instruments consisted of the learning unit entitled “Expressing the wishes and requests politely” and a pretest and posttest. The participants of this research were 33 students of the University of Phayao selected from the students who enrolled in French Listening and Speaking 1 Course as an optional subject in the first semester of 2021. The findings showed that learners’ posttest scores were significantly higher than the pretest scores at the 0.05 level of statistical significance. The mean of the different scores between pretest and posttest was at 6.81 (42.21% of the total score) with the confidence index at 97.2% (S.D.=2.74). Regarding to the E.I., the learning unit allowed students to improve the ability to express the wishes and requests with the E.I. at the level of 0.64. That means learners’ achievement of the use of language strategies about the polite requests or wishes was higher with the index at 64%.


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How to Cite

Jitwongnan, J., & Nguyen, L. (2023). The Development of the Use of Language Strategies to Express Wishes and Requests Politely by Beginner Learners in French. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 11(1), 97–129. retrieved from



Research Article