Expansion of Community Areas to Implement the Domestic Violence Perpetrator Program for Preventing Recidivism: Case Study in Nang Rong City Municipality, Buriram Province


  • Madee Limsakul Faculty of Social Sciences, Kasetsart University
  • Sureeshine Phollawan Faculty of Social Sciences Kasetsart University


Domestic violence, The Domestic Violence Perpetrator Program for Preventing Recidivism, Community


A study of “Expansion of Community Areas to Implement the Domestic Violence Perpetrator Program for Preventing Recidivism” aims to (1) develop mainstays to enable application of the domestic violence perpetrator program for preventing recidivism in community areas; (2) study results from application of the domestic violence perpetrator program for preventing recidivism in community areas and (3) develop a manual on application of the domestic violence perpetrator program for preventing recidivism in community areas. The study was conducted using an action research approach by training 10 community mainstays in Nang Rong City Municipality area to enable them to plan, design and run activities with a sample group of 10 families in 6 communities in Nang Rong City Municipality. This study resulted in mainstays were able to apply the domestic violence perpetrator program by organizing activities with good assessment, post-period of the program participation, physical violence among sample group were not found at all, except only one family remaining mental violence by verbal abuse but its frequency was diminishing, and the manual on application of the domestic violence perpetrator program for preventing recidivism in community areas was successfully done.


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How to Cite

Limsakul, M., & Phollawan, S. (2022). Expansion of Community Areas to Implement the Domestic Violence Perpetrator Program for Preventing Recidivism: Case Study in Nang Rong City Municipality, Buriram Province. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 10(1), 338–355. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Humanties-up/article/view/255653



Research Article