Development of Supervision Model to Enhance Academic Achievement with 6-Steps Process to Success (6 A to S Model)


  • Yukoltorn Sangson Phichit Primary Educational Service Area Office 2


Supervision Form, Enhance Academic Achievement, 6-Ateps Process to Success


The purposes of this research was to develop a supervision model to enhance learning achievement with 6-steps process to success. The research method consisted of 4 steps: 1) Creating a supervision model to enhance learning achievement with 6-steps process to success. 2)Confirmation of the supervision model to enhance academic achievement with 6-steps process to success. 3)Study the effects of using the supervision model to enhance learning achievement with 6-steps process to success. and 4) Study satisfaction of the supervisors, school directors, and teachers towards the supervision model to enhance learning achievement with 6-steps process to success.

The research findings were as follows: Supervision model to enhance academic achievement with 6-steps process to success, there are 5 components. These include supervision principles, objectives, scope of supervision, supervision process, and success conditions. The supervision format is appropriate, helpfulness, and possibility at the highest level. School directors and teachers had 52.25 percent higher understanding after the workshop than before the workshop and satisfaction towards the workshop was at the highest level.   Teachers had practice for raising the results of the Basic National Test (O-NET) at the highest level. The Ordinary National Educational Test (O-NET) Year 6 Overall, the academic year 2020 has an average score increase from the academic year 2019 equal to 9.14. The school has a test result of the academic year 2020, an increase of at least 3% from the academic year 2019 had 76.64 percent. and The satisfaction study of the supervisors, school directors, and teachers towards the supervision model found that it was at the highest level.


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How to Cite

Sangson, Y. (2022). Development of Supervision Model to Enhance Academic Achievement with 6-Steps Process to Success (6 A to S Model). Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 10(1), 24–44. retrieved from



Research Article