The Development of The Thai Traditional Dance Costume


  • Jansamorn Pholboon Office of Arts and Cultural, Songkhla Rajabhat University
  • Kamtorn Kerdthip Faculty of Communication sciencs, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Camps
  • Opas Ismo Office of Arts and Cultural, Songkhla Rajabhat University


The Development of The Thai Traditional Dance Costume, Costume for Khon


This research was conducted by mixed method approach combining between qualitative method and quantitative method. The research aimed to develop a making process of the Thai traditional dance costume for cost reduction. The research found that the traditional process begins with copying the patterns to the fabric then purl the brocade on those patterns. This process normally takes months to finish a set of costume and its cost is very high. The costume making development process are as follow; 1) Analyzing the elements of costume to making a new pattern follow the original pieces, then do the border marks to make the sewing easier. 2) Creating the color and design on the pattern. 3) Making a digital print on the satin crape fabric that make the printing color looks lighter and shinier. 4)  Sewing those patterns and decorating by drawing a water base screen color at the edge of the patterns and covering with gold leaves. Then filled in the pattern with glitter. The evaluation was conducted in three aspects which were design, usability and useful purposes from sample group which were 150 users and the relevant persons. The results revealed the sample group had the highest satisfaction in all aspects. The average rating was 4.70, the standard deviation was 0.05, was at a highest level.


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How to Cite

Pholboon, J., Kerdthip, K., & Ismo, O. (2022). The Development of The Thai Traditional Dance Costume. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 10(1), 203–225. retrieved from



Research Article