Development of Ontology of Cultural Attraction Temple's in Muang District Chiang Mai Province


  • Phichete Julrode Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Humanities, Chiang Mai University
  • Panu Panthukampone Independent Scholar


Ontology, Cultural Sites, Temple Attractions


This research aim to development of ontology of cultural attraction temple's in Muang District Chiang Mai Province by analyzing the content of data sources, which are the existing costs. religious places using the theory of classification of cultural tourist attractions in the temple type in Muang district. Chiang Mai. The research process is divided into 3 phases: Phase 1) Determination of ontology requirements which studying the information on cultural tourism in the temple type from books, textbooks, documents, concepts, theories and related research. as well as studying behaviors in searching for tourist attractions in theirs, the survey was conducted from the tourist attraction information search behavior as a measure of 400 tourists from an online questionnaire to analyze the searched data by frequency. percentage to group words, phase 2) development of ontology using Protégé, class design, defining main classes, subclasses, hierarchies, properties to establish the relationship of data in each class, and phase 3) ontology assessments was divided into two parts: assessing the suitability of an ontology structure by an expert with the inter-class correlation validity assessment scale. and evaluation of cultural grouping data. The results showed that development ontology of cultural tourist attractions in the temple in Muang District Chiang Mai are definition value scope and objectives of development found to be suitable (average score = 0.93) in three areas: grouping and ordering of classes within the ontology (score value = 1.00), defining affinity name and class properties (scoring value = 0.89), and appropriate content of the overall ontology (score value = 1.00).


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How to Cite

Julrode, P., & Panthukampone, P. (2022). Development of Ontology of Cultural Attraction Temple’s in Muang District Chiang Mai Province. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 10(1), 320–337. retrieved from



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