Thainess and The Role of Cultural Capital and Social Capital in Thai Tourism


  • Patcharaporn Kachin Bachelor of Arts Program in Thai, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Phuket Rajabhat University


Thainess, Travel, Cultural capital, Social capital


This article aims to present “Thainess” presented by the Tourism Authority of Thailand to promote tourism as a cultural capital through products and services with social capital to support. It is an academic article that aims to study both primary and secondary information with studying the origin and meaning of Thainess, analysis of tourism promotion policies and analyze the relationship between cultural capital and social capital to create “Thainess” has become a product to promote Thai tourism.

The results showed that The Tourism Authority of Thailand has tried to bring some elements of the cultural capital that exist in society to create. "Thainess" through the process of upholding the original value with the charm and uniqueness of Things are interpreted and designed in accordance with the behavior and needs of consumers until becoming a new value that is ready for tourists to choose to consume through historical aspects, beliefs lifestyle or science until they became "Representing Thainess" that is valuable and should be experienced for yourself The social capital serves to promote cultural capital to stand out and is known more widely. But if social capital does not interact as one. The achievements of tourism activities such as happiness or money may not be as desired. Therefore, if Thailand still relies on tourism income based on the meaning of Thainess Those involved need to pay attention. both the utilization of cultural capital appropriately and promote the network relationship of social capital to support each other until they can develop into a sustainable tourism based on the idea that the feeling that arises after traveling is not only pleasure or relaxation. But also has a meaning and has a valuable effect that is related to the feelings of Thai people.


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How to Cite

Kachin, P. (2022). Thainess and The Role of Cultural Capital and Social Capital in Thai Tourism. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 10(2), 1–22. retrieved from



Academic Article