Reflection of Marginality in The S.E.A. Write Awards Short Stories A.D. 2008-2017


  • Kittisak Kaewta Program in Thai Student, School of Liberal Arts, University of Phayao
  • Vajrindra Kaencandra Program in Thai Student, School of Liberal Arts, University of Phayao


Reflection, Marginality, Short Stories, the S.E.A. Write Awards


The article entitled “Reflection of Marginality in the S.E.A. Write Awards Short Stories A.D. 2008-2017” aimed to analyze the reflection of marginality in the S.E.A. Write Awards short stories A.D. 2008-2017. The data was 4 titles 45 short stories by using Critical Discourse Analysis : CDA by Norman Fairclough. The results revealed that there were 7 reflections of marginality in the S.E.A. Write Awards short stories A.D. 2008 -2017. These were found 1) Social status and behavior 2) Economy and career 3) Health and public health 4) Geography 5) Social and culture 6) Education and 7) Political.


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How to Cite

Kaewta, K., & Kaencandra, V. (2022). Reflection of Marginality in The S.E.A. Write Awards Short Stories A.D. 2008-2017. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 10(2), 119–144. retrieved from



Research Article