Traditional and New Male from the Male Characters in “Bai In Na, a hidden Village on the River Bank” Translated by HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn


  • Noppawan Noppawan Lecturers, International College, Surat Thani Campus, Prince of Songkla University, Surat Thani 84000
  • Pichai Kaewbut International College, Surat Thani Campus, Prince of Songkla University
  • Chawalin Pengbun International College, Surat Thani Campus, Prince of Songkla University


Patriarchy, Traditional Male, New Male, Bai In Na


The purposes of this research are to study traditional and new male from the male characters in “Bai In Na, a hidden village on the river bank and compare masculinity of male characters in literature.  The results show that there are both of traditional male and new male, full and blended masculinity. The characteristics of male characters are more subordinate to the traditional male from the traditional Chinese society than the new male. It reflects physical strength, aggression, violence and not emotionally sensitive or self-revealing. The new male expresses the concept of economic achievement, intelligence, interpersonal skills and emotionally sensitive and self-expressive with woman. Masculinity is determined by the social change. Today masculinity is more distinct and diverse than before. Although traditional male still has power and influence clearly nowadays, new male has also been accepted and presented simultaneously.


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How to Cite

Noppawan, N., Kaewbut, P., & Pengbun, C. (2022). Traditional and New Male from the Male Characters in “Bai In Na, a hidden Village on the River Bank” Translated by HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 10(2), 180–204. retrieved from



Research Article