Teaching English Word Stress Patterns to Improve English Pronunciation Skills of First Year Nursing Students


  • Ladapha Kim-ing Faculty of Oriental Medicine, Chiang Rai College, Mueang Chiang Rai
  • Pakjira Khattiya Faculty of Oriental Medicine, Chiang Rai College, Mueang Chiang Rai, Chiang Rai Province 57000
  • Chalittaporn Doungtib Faculty of Oriental Medicine, Chiang Rai College, Mueang Chiang Rai
  • Sineenart Sartwej Faculty of Oriental Medicine, Chiang Rai College, Mueang Chiang Rai


Teaching English word stress Patterns, English Word stress patterns, English pronunciation skills


The purposes of this study were: 1) to compare the English pronunciation skills of students before and after teaching the English word stress patterns and 2) to study the students’ attitudes toward teaching the English word stress patterns. The target group was 146 first year nursing students of the ‎Faculty of Nursing who were studying English for Listening and Speaking during the first semester of academic year 2019. The researchers collected the data by using an English word stress pronunciation test and the attitude measurement form for the first year students toward teaching the English word stress patterns. The data were analyzed statistically by using mean, and standard deviation.

The findings of this study were as follow: 1) after teaching the English word stress patterns to students, the mean showed 66.25 with standard deviation 7.46 was higher than the mean of pre-test that showed 31.21 with standard deviation 11.29. And 2) the mean of students’ attitudes toward teaching the English word stress patterns showed 4.78 with standard deviation 0.33 that was at the highest level. Moreover, the collected data indicated that the students could understand English word stress patterns that make them know how to stress each. This could make them improve their English pronunciation skills and use these patterns with unfamiliar words as well. Consequently, these students supported to teach the English word stress patterns to other students.


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How to Cite

Kim-ing, L., Khattiya, P., Doungtib, C., & Sartwej, S. (2022). Teaching English Word Stress Patterns to Improve English Pronunciation Skills of First Year Nursing Students. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 10(1), 86–114. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Humanties-up/article/view/240934



Research Article