Guidelines for Integrative Environmental Learning to Enhance Environmental Citizenship Skills of Secondary Stu-dents at Udomdarunee School


  • Rungnapa Tadngoen Department of Education, Social Studies Major, Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai University
  • Charin Mangkhang Department of Curriculum Teaching and learning, Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai Univesity, Chiang Mai province 50200
  • Sawaeng Saenbutr Department of Philosophy and Religion, Faculty of Humanities, Chiang MaiUniversity


Integrated learning, Environmental Citizenship, Secondary School Students


The purposes of this study were to 1) study students’ perception of integrative environmental learning conditions 2) to study environmental citizenship skills of students; and
3) to study guidelines for integrative environmental learning of students of Udomdarunee School, Sukhothai province. The samples consisted of 50 students in Matayomsuksa II at Udomdarunee School, Sukhothai province. The research instrument is the questionnaire on integrative environmental learning. The data were analyzed by using percentage, frequency, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis.

The results of the study were as follows: 1) The student’ perception of integrative environmental learning conditions was at the moderate level. 2. Environmental citizenship skills of students was at a high level. And 3. The guidelines for integrative environmental learning arranged according to the the most opinions to the least as follows: 1. Using the truth data from the observation process to raise questions about environmental problems in the community in order to link to the subject matter of learning. 2) Building skills for searching, gathering knowledge, and solving environmental problems. 3) Creating a good attitude, public mind and ethics for environmental conservation. 4) Creating deep understanding about the environment and locality 5) The integration of knowledge of content that is redundant 6) Integrate environmental learning resources together between schools and communities 7) Teachers, students, and communities are involved in policy making and environmental activities. 8) Raising awareness about environmental problems. and 9) Impact and follow up news about environmental problems and provide useful opinions.


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How to Cite

Tadngoen, R., Mangkhang, C., & Saenbutr, S. (2021). Guidelines for Integrative Environmental Learning to Enhance Environmental Citizenship Skills of Secondary Stu-dents at Udomdarunee School. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 9(2), 53–71. retrieved from



Research Article