Guidelines for Organizing Historical Learning Activities to Promote the Citizenship of the Community Role Model for Local Cultural Conservation among High School Students


  • Chutamart Anukunwathaka Education Program in Education (Social Studies), Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai University
  • Charin Mangkhang Department of Curriculum Teaching & Learning Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai University
  • Sawaeng Saenbutr Department of Philosophy and Religion of Humanities and Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University


Community Role Model, Historical method, Creative local culture conservation


The objectives of this article were to study the problems of organizing historical learning activities in high school level and to explore guidelines for organizing historical learning activities that promote the citizenship of the community role model for local cultural conservation among high school students. The sample of this study was 10 history teachers in Sukhothai high schools and 10 local community philosophers in local traditions and culture in Sukhothai.
A research instrument was a semi-structured interview. The results of this study indicated that the sample schools had the historical learning management problems as follows: school curriculum did not respond to community needs. Teachers mainly focused on using lecturing as an instructional method and relied on teaching materials from books. Learning materials from the community, personal media (community philosophers) were not used in learning management. Therefore, historical learning activities to promote the citizenship of the community role model for local cultural conservation among high school students should be organized to focus on enabling students to create knowledge by themselves through knowledge of local philosophers to strengthen the citizenship of the community role model for local cultural conservation and to raise the awareness of the importance of local culture, learning about the community background and history. New conservation models should be developed to restore and sustain local culture in the community forever. Systematic learning and working with local people in the community should be conducted. Local philosophers or local wisdom teachers should be access to the opportunity to drive instructional management process in the schools to enable learners to learn from the accumulated experience of citizens of the community role model. When the learning results have become successful, knowledge should be shared and expanded to other people in order to sustainably inherit ways of conserving the local culture of the community.


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How to Cite

Anukunwathaka, C., Mangkhang, C., & Saenbutr, S. (2021). Guidelines for Organizing Historical Learning Activities to Promote the Citizenship of the Community Role Model for Local Cultural Conservation among High School Students. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 9(2), 23–40. retrieved from



Research Article